HomeBeans/Fruit VegetablesPlanting and Growing Corn in Containers

Planting and Growing Corn in Containers

Growing Corn in Containers is possible, however the yield is less than the corn grown in a garden. Corn requires more space than most small or medium sized containers provide. If you’re planting corn in containers, use large pots and reproduce optimum external conditions as close as possible.

Choosing Containers to Grow Corn in Potsgrowing corn in containers

Choose a large container that is at least 12 inches deep and wide. You can grow about four corn plants in this size of pot. Make sure your pot have enough drainage holes in the bottom.

Varieties for Growing Corn in Containers

As you grow corn in pots, choose a dwarf variety that does not exceed 4 or 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) height. Some good choices are short stemmed ‘Trinity’ and ‘Sweet Painted Mountain’.


Sow four to six seeds per pot about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep and rake a bit of soil above them. Don’t worry if the corn is planted together closely in a pot. In fact, sowing seeds closely helps in pollination and allow the corn to fruit abundantly.


Sweet corn needs full sun, plenty of water and fertile soil to thrive. It depends on the wind for pollination, which is best achieved when the corn is planted in a block of several short rows.

Mulch around the corn to hold in moisture. Use wood chips, newspapers or grass to help prevent moisture loss. Mulching also keeps weeds to a minimum.


Corn plants require soil that retains moisture without drying out quickly but drains well enough so it doesn’t become soggy or waterlogged. A peat based potting soil works best for them.


Water the plant every other day, keeping the soil constantly moist. Water is important ingredient to get sweet and soft corns, especially at the time of fruiting you’ll need to water your potted corns more.


Add fertilizer after 10 weeks from sowing. Dig a hole about 2 cm in depth and diameter around each plant. Pour 1/2 tablespoons of 5-10-10 or 10-20-20 fertilizer per plant, and incorporate the soil.


If you know how to grow corn in pots, you can grow your own corns without the need of lot of space, usually corns are ready to harvest between 60 to 100 days after planting, depending on the variety and weather conditions.

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Growing corn in container is possible. All you need is a large container and you are good to harvest your fresh corns.


  1. I have an old, half-wine barrel filled with potting soil and mulch. With a small backyard, I thought I would give it a try. I planted about 15 kernels and will thin to the best. I also inserted wood stakes (4) around the barrel and will put heavy cords around them as the plants grow so if a wind gets strong, hopefully, the stalks won’t blow over.

      • You don’t need to search for “non-GMO.” Everything available to the regular consumer is non-GMO already, because you would have to sign a license agreement to purchase patented seed. And anyway, that has nothing to do with the plant being dwarf. Just search “Dwarf corn varieties” and then look for seeds.

  2. I saw a video on growing container corn on you tube about three years ago. in one of the stages of growing grown a black fertilizer something like silt was used. my corn production was fantastic. any corn growers or farmers know what i’m referring to??????? as usual a good and foolproof system has to be replaced with new and improved that doesn’t work. wish I would have saved that video.

  3. Try growing corn in a Fabric Grow Bag. Amazon sells them. The roots air prune so that the corn doesn’t get root-bound. That allows more corn in less space.

  4. Plant each jiffy pot in a 2m pot (1 pot per jiffy) using good quality potting mix and making sure the jiffy pot is fully covered.


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